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Queens, don’t forget about your skin‼️

Did you know that your skin needs hydration and moisture just like your hair and scalp does?

I know it's Spring time outdoors but it is also warming up a bit so why not protect your skin too?

The skin is the largest organ on the body and it's connected to the bloodstream and when you use skin care soaps, butters, lotions, etc with chemicals in them, those chemicals are absorbed into the skin and goes to the blood stream and then that's when the problems arise like skin rashes, dryness, itching, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders plus the chemicals cause the skin to wrinkle and age much faster and then you turn to a dermatologist for medication to help your skin😞

Mostly handmade soaps and other skin care items that are made in small batches do not have chemicals in them unlike store bought commercial soaps that are massed produced and they cut back on good ingredients that our skin needs😞

I believe that the Lord has given us everything that we need that grows in nature for ingredients to be used in our skin care as well as our hair care so that our heath and wellness is not compromised but our beauty needs are still taken care of!🤗

I am all about living a pure and natural lifestyle and only using plant based goodness for me and my family so that's why I have decided to bring back my Vegan Soap Bundles on May 1st!

My soaps are chemical free just like all of my products and made with only plant based ingredients, I would not have it any other way!

My soaps are for the entire family!

If you want to keep using the commercial chemical based soaps and other skin care items you can it's your choice but if you value your health and wellness as one of your top priorities, my Luxury Vegan Soaps are for you!

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