Did you know that the chemicals in Hair Dyes could be linked to Cancer & other Health Problems?
Did you know that the chemicals in hair colors/dyes have been linked to breast cancer according to the American Cancer Society!😮
( cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/hair-dyes.html)
A study was done on thousands of African American women and it showed that women who use these chemicals were more likely to have breast cancer and other female health issues because the chemicals from the dyes and the (hair relaxers too) enters the bloodstream from small cuts, scalp irritations, or scalp burns that comes sometimes when these chemicals are applied.
These chemicals are not only linked to cancer but kidney disease, respiratory issues, and other female health issues 😮
These chemicals strip the moisture, destroy the hair bonds, leaving the hair dry, brittle, and damaged, ultimately causing hair loss😞
But thank God for His Amazing plants, herbs, essential oils, and botanicals that color our hair naturally and beautifully and thank Him for the lovely natural beauty that He gave us so that we don’t have to use any of these chemicals and put our health at risk!😊
I encourage all of my clients to live a healthy clean lifestyle and at my Salon, I only offer my own line of Vegan Hair Color that gives healthy radiant colors without compromising or destroying your health and wellness in the process😊
Queens, please be careful and be mindful of the harmful chemicals that you are putting into your temples!
Queens, God gave us everything in the earth that we need to enhance our natural beauty with the pure and natural way that He designed and not man made chemicals that harm us!
Queens, your own natural beauty is enough!❤️❤️
Love yourself and embrace the beauty of a natural lifestyle that God freely gave us which allows you to be healthy and free to be your own kind of beautiful!❤️😊😍