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Introducing "Green Wellness Wednesdays"

Where all of my Wellness Queens at?

The whole emphasis is on the importance of going green and adding more plant based foods in our bodies and more plant based skin care products on our bodies that will both nourish and promote healthy hair growth, beautiful radiant skin, reduce the risk of sickness and disease, and just encourage and give a complete healthy jumpstart in hopes that other Queens will adapt a whole lifestyle of good health and wellness!

I get so many clients that want tips on how to start a Plant Based or Vegan Lifestyle and it is my pleasure to help out in any way that I can!

Living a healthy Plant Based Life and helping others in this area so they can enjoy and experience healthy hair growth, radiant skin, and a healthy strong body with a lifestyle free of sickness and disease is my ministry and its what I am passionate about!

I don't profess to know it all because I don't but the Holy Spirit knows all so He will help me as I share everything that I know from my in depth research and from my everyday life experiences!

We will start with little baby steps and that is just fine because everyone is on different levels and some are not able to go cold turkey like I did and immediately change their diet and lifestyle, some have to start small and that is ok, just as long as you get it in!

So my goal is for everyone that wants to be a part of this lifestyle journey is to at least "go green" on Wednesdays from the food that we eat, to the products that we use on our skin, all the way down to the everyday toxic household products that we clean with and continue to breathier and use in our homes!

And going green only means eating and using products that were made from plants or fruits and veggies, without any chemicals added, just all natural and that's it!

Every Wednesday, I will share different Plant based/ Vegan recipes, smoothie recipes, household DIY's ( Do it yourself recipes) and so much more!

So Queens, I encourage you to take the "Green Wellness Wednesdays" lifestyle challenge with me and other Queens and maybe this will be the jumpstart that someone needs to eventually adapt this awesome lifestyle of freedom and be able to live the abundant life that Jesus died to give us!

- Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health so as your soul prospers

3 John 10:10

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