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Queens, 1 Corinthians 11:15 tells us that our hair is our Glory and this bundle is everything that you need for the healing, nourishment, & restoration of your hair and scalp!

We are Queens!

When God created us, He made us perfect!

We are Daughters of the Most High God fearfully and wonderfully made so our hair should be GROWING!

Are your Locs or your natural hair feeling dry, crunchy, and hard? Is your scalp feeling dry and itchy? And do they need to be awaken and brought back to life?

Well, this Vegan 🌱 combo which is full of nothing but the plant based goodness of fruits & veggie extracts, herbs, and essential oils is the perfect solution to refresh your Locs and Natural Hair and to nourish your scalp and keep it healthy because you know if the scalp is not healthy, then the hair won’t be healthy!

The goal for these products are to help your hair and scalp get back to the original healthy state that they were in when the Lord first gave them to us!

This combo helps to lock in and keep the moisture and hydration in your Locs and Natural Hair so that they can continue to grow and stay healthy and beautiful!❤️

Step 1

First, saturate your Locs / Natural Hair with the Orange Cocktail Hydrating Mist

Step 2

Take a little of the Buttercream and rub it throughout your Locs/ Natural Hair, making sure to rub the butter in very good because you don’t want to leave a white residue on your Locs/ Natural hair!

Step 3

And the Scalp Oil is meant for nourishing your scalp only!

You may oil your scalp once or twice a week and that is sufficient.

The oil is very light so it won’t clog your pores but it will only feed and nourish your scalp and keep it from being dry, itchy, and flaky feeding the follicle so the so that it can produce new healthy hair that GROWS in abundance!

So if you are not wanting healthy hair that GROWS, this bundle is NOT for you!


Orange Cocktail Hydrating Mist 8oz

Ginger & Rosemary Buttercream -4oz

Rosemary Mint & Hibiscus Tea Scalp Oil~ 4oz

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